Support us

Hogarth Singers is a non-profit making organisation and is a charity registered in the UK.  

Charity No.1000993.

We are funded entirely by choir subscriptions, concert ticket sales, voluntary donations and programme advertising by local businesses.

Friends of Hogarth Singers

We are currently in the process of establishing a Friends’ Scheme, by which supporters purchase tickets for three concerts in advance and in return, receive a discount on ticket prices, reserved seating for the Friend and guests and a complimentary glass of wine.

If you would like to become one of our Friends, please contact us with the following details:

• Name

• Address

• Phone number

• Email address

Unless you specify otherwise, we will automatically add your details to our mailing list. Your details will not be used for any other purpose than to give you information about the choir. 

We would be delighted to hear from any organisation seeking closer links with the choir through sponsorship.  Please contact us if you are interested in discussing this further.


We are grateful for any donations.  These can be made on-line via a secure connection provided by the Charities Aid Foundation

If you prefer to donate via cheque, please get in touch with us.   If you are a UK tax payer, on-line and cheque donations can be gift-aided.